Notices by Björn Schießle (
Björn Schießle ('s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2017 20:19:24 CEST Björn Schießle
Easy XMPP, small improvements can make a difference
The easy XMPP initiative tries to identify all the small UX glitches and fix them. That's a great first step in the right direction. For user discovery I would love to see mobile clients to check my address book, auto add contacts with a XMPP address and automatically check contacts email addresses for XMPP capabilities. This would be a easy, privacy respecting way to auto-populate the contact list. -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 27-May-2017 11:30:58 CEST Björn Schießle
Es gibt kein geistiges Eigentum. Es geht um gesetzlich geschaffenen, zeitlich gegrenzte Monopole. Es gibt kein Naturrecht auf künstlich erzeugte Knappheit... Überraschung! #Urheberrecht -
Free Software Foundation Europe ('s status on Friday, 26-May-2017 00:34:10 CEST Free Software Foundation Europe
Thanks to Christian we have a new local #FSFE group in Kiel/Germany !fellowship -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Sunday, 21-May-2017 10:51:55 CEST Björn Schießle
good article about the power of Facebook and how to foster alternatives
"These noncommercial alternatives would not have to be funded by the government (which is fortunate, given that government funding for public media such as PBS is in doubt these days). Ralph Engelman, a media historian at Long Island University who wrote Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History, points out that the creation of public broadcasting was led by—and partially funded by—prominent nonprofit groups such as the Ford and Carnegie Foundations." -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Friday, 19-May-2017 09:42:24 CEST Björn Schießle
"The more software continues to take over every aspect of our lives, the more important it will be for us to take a stand and ensure that our ethics are ever-present in our code." #code #programming #ethics -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Tuesday, 16-May-2017 18:02:15 CEST Björn Schießle
@mmn yes, all this seems to no longer work. At least not the way people are used to. I also found various reports about it in the RedHat bugtracker. There seems to be some workarounds, but nothing is really convenient. -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Monday, 15-May-2017 21:08:02 CEST Björn Schießle
I'm the only one who is really disturbed that with Wayland it is no longer possible to do stuff like 'sudo -u someUser someGraphicalApp'? Is there any workaround. Or did we lost this with Wayland forever?
#Wayland #xorg -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 07:20:12 CEST Björn Schießle
@benediktg danke, d.h das jeder thread egal auf welchem Ordnung (von privaten Mails über Mailinglisten bis hin zu Github notification und Spam) als separater Chat dargestellt werden? Hört sich so an, als ob das dann ziemlich schnell ziemlich unübersichtlich wird... Denke eine Einschränkung auf bestimmte Ordner oder evtl nur threads mit bekannten email Adressen würde Sinn machen. Aber ich glaube ich probiere es einfach mal aus. Hört sich ja so an, als ob ich mir zumindest um meine Mails keine sorge machen muss. :) -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 07:15:27 CEST Björn Schießle
@muto I have to say that I'm not a fan of fefe's conspiracy theories which often come with not that much arguments. OpenKeychain argues much more serious, whether you agree at the end or not: -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:35:23 CEST Björn Schießle
@xor weiß nicht, habe den link aus f-droid ;) -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:29:23 CEST Björn Schießle
@muto regarding the storage of the delta mails. I wonder how this works if a separate chat folder is used. As soon as you also write with people who don't use Delta Chat you have to expect that mails will arrive in my Inbox or any subfolder depending on my server-side filtering. I assume that Delta Chat monitors all folders. I see how it can detect mails send by Delta Chat, e.g. by a specific header, and move it to the chats folder. But how should this work with chats where one or more participant uses a normal mail client? -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:18:49 CEST Björn Schießle
@xor hier gibt's den source code: -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:16:57 CEST Björn Schießle
@muto regarding encryption they plan to implement something GnuPG compatible but want to generate a key pair automatically. I think reusing GnuPG makes a lot of sense. This way you can also decrypt the mails outside of Delta Chat. Personally I don't have a problem storing my private key on my smart phone. It probably depends on your attack vector. My position on this is: if someone want to get me I don't have a chance anyway. In the first place I want to protect against general surveillance. Why Delta Chat? I like the idea that I don't have to convince anyone to use any specific messenger. Everybody has a email address so I can write instantly with everyone. No matter if they use Delta Chat or not. For me Delta Chat is basically a fancy mail client which provides easy to use chat experience on mobile while nobody needs to get a new account or chat app for it. -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:07:54 CEST Björn Schießle
@xor vielleicht verstehe ich dich auch falsch, aber ich sehe den Unterschied nicht. Sendmail, Thunderbird und Delta Chat sind alles Freie Software nicht von dir geschrieben, also von Drittanbietern. Wieso hast du kein Problem damit Sendmail und Thunderbird auf deine Mails los zu lassen, bei Delta Chat aber bedenken? -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 01:01:08 CEST Björn Schießle
@anton on mobile devices I use k9mail and on the desktop/laptop claws-mail -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 00:48:25 CEST Björn Schießle
@xor du hast also deine email clients und die ganze serverseitige Software welche deine Mails verwaltet selber geschrieben? Respekt! -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Saturday, 13-May-2017 00:18:26 CEST Björn Schießle
Delta Chat sounds quite interesting. Until now I didn't tried it because I use email really extensive with a lot of folders, gpg encryption, etc. and I'm not sure what happens with all my mails and folders when Delta Chat accesses my mailbox. Also I wonder what happens with the chat messages? Will they spam my Inbox? For encryption it would be good if I could import my exiting gpg key... Does someone has already tried Delta Chat? -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Thursday, 11-May-2017 12:13:11 CEST Björn Schießle
Freie Software für gute Bildung und eine starke und unabhängigen Wirtschaft
Ich freue mich, dass ich auf den "Fellbacher Weltwochen" die Frage diskutieren kann, wie man mit Freier Software Nachhaltig Bildung exportieren und zum Aufbau einer starken lokalen Wirtschaft beitragen kann.
#FreieSoftware #Wirtschaft #Bildung #Nachhaltigkeit #Entwicklung #Politik #Gesellschaft #FSFE -
Erik Albers ('s status on Wednesday, 10-May-2017 15:16:12 CEST Erik Albers
In need of a Free Software designer/layouter
I am looking for a #FreeSoftware #designer or #layouter, who knows #Scribus and likes to help out @fsfe PR section for some € but a lot of Karma! If you are interested get in contact or if you know someone, please forward. -
Björn Schießle ('s status on Monday, 08-May-2017 12:04:58 CEST Björn Schießle
Ist die Fremdnutzung unserer Daten ausser Kontrolle geraten? "Wenn die Unternehmen die «Gewinner der digitalen Revolution» sind, muss gefragt werden, wer die Verlierer sind."