Notices tagged with linux, page 2
Check Detailed CPU Information In #Linux With #CoreFreq [Advanced]
!linux !cli !shell
How To Find The Oldest File In A Directory Tree In #Linux
!cli !shell !linux
3 to-do list managers for the #Linux command line
!cli !shell !linux
#linux !linux
♻ George Curelet-Balan @curelet: Linux and Open Source. A Brief history. @eckmeister talk @kwlug #Linux #history #Unix #Windows10 #Minix... ¶ via #Twitter !Linux !fs !KWLUG
Wie gut ist das denn?
Ich habe ein Problem unter Windoof und die erste Lösung, die ich finde, steht im ""-Wiki. xD
#FreieSoftware #GNU #Linux #Ubuntu !ilovefs
StackOverflow: #Linux »meistgeliebte« Entwicklerplattform
How to find process using high memory in #Linux
!linux !cli !shell
Explore how the /dev directory gives you direct access to your devices in #Linux
!linux !shell !cli
Shellskripte mit Aha-Effekt #Linux #Shell
!linux !shell
#Linux > man > usermod
The #usermod command modifies the system account files to reflect the
changes that are specified on the command line.
!linux !cli
$ setxkbmap -option caps:none #diecapslock #linux
Verdienstorden des Landes #NRW für Reinhard #Wiesemann. #Linux #Linuxhotel & Unperfekthaus.
#redshift for #linux is a cool tool (joke intended) – but doing #gimp, it's more than irritating (script-preparation started) :D
#linux !linux
I disagree on some details but he has some valid points there:
"We all know that the Linux presence is “kinda-sorta†there with great companies like System 76, Entroware and others. [...] So the call needs to go out to you and all your friends and your pets that these are the companies you need to be buying from. Yeah, you pay more. But if we want to see the miracle happen then we need to be party to it. The more wallet filler they get from us, the more they can innovate beyond laptops and desktops and servers."
Going further:
"If you want to use “Oogly-Boogly OSâ€, that’s your call. It’s going to dry up and blow away most likely, but go ahead. But the community doesn’t need any more of our resources going into an OS that maybe ten people will use. It’s time to pivot hard. [...] It’s time to get down and create devices that people can touch and relate to. People who aren’t programmers and engineers like interfaces that make sense to them." #linux
Wir suchen Mitarbeiter für Kundenbetreuung, Support & Service #Linux #Jobs #Augsburg
Mit Firejail lässt sich das Risiko erheblich reduzieren, das von bis dato ungepatchten Sicherheitslücken in Programmen ausgeht:
#security #hacking #linux #firejail #härten #hardening
Wir suchen Verstärkung!
🧠Interesse? Mehr dazu unter: #linux #opensource #jobs
The Humble Store is having a birthday sale with lots of #Linux games cheaper: