I love Free Software (ilovefs) group
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Aug-2017 00:23:59 CEST Björn Holmer
"Open Hardware: Selbstbaurechner kommt ohne Firmware-Blobs aus" – https://gnusocial.de/url/4139897 !ilovefs #OpenHardware #FreeSoftware -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 02:27:19 CEST Björn Holmer
@paulfree14 Ansonsten könnt ihr/können wir die Veranstaltung auch gern in Berlin durchführen.
Ich bin sicher die Berliner FSFE-Gruppe würde da auch nach Möglichkeiten mithelfen und mitmachen. !fellowship !ilovefs -
Bastian Ilso (bastianilso@quitter.no)'s status on Friday, 19-May-2017 15:33:39 CEST Bastian Ilso
Decorating laptops in #OpenSourceAalborg with @gnome :-)
https://quitter.no/attachment/1194508 https://quitter.no/attachment/1194509
!gnomedesktop !ilovefs -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Sunday, 14-May-2017 20:34:12 CEST Björn Holmer
"Sicherheitslücke aus dem Giftschrank der NSA" – https://gnusocial.de/url/3898648 #NSA #Snowden #Windows !ilovefs -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Tuesday, 09-May-2017 19:51:51 CEST Björn Holmer
ownCloud ist mir gefolgt.
Wenn die wüssten, dass ich eigentlich ein Nextclouder bin. :-D !ilovefs #FreeSoftware #nextcloud #owncloud -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Monday, 08-May-2017 06:07:52 CEST Björn Holmer
"Full MP3 support coming soon to Fedora" – https://fedoramagazine.org/full-mp3-support-coming-soon-to-fedora/ !ilovefs #FreeSoftware #GNU #Linux #Fedora -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Saturday, 06-May-2017 02:40:15 CEST Björn Holmer
"How to build yourself a very small Linux based operating system" – https://gnusocial.de/url/3871710 #GNU #Linux !ilovefs -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 22:46:04 CEST Björn Holmer
https://twitter.com/bastiseitz/status/859773439510544384 !ilovefs #FreeSoftware #Bildung #Microsoft #Windows #GNU #Linux -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 04:49:42 CEST Björn Holmer
https://soc.schiessle.org/display/c0ca984b165907a92ee2b00110165957 #GPL #FreeSoftware !ilovefs -
rugk (rugk@gnusocial.de)'s status on Friday, 21-Apr-2017 21:35:06 CEST rugk
#TipOfTheDay: When referring to #Chrome and #Chromium at the same time just easily "gender" it as Chrome/ium.
Many people do not seem to know about #Chromium - even #Linux users sometimes install Chrome… !ilovefs -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Apr-2017 05:35:01 CEST Björn Holmer
Have you heard about http://unpaywall.org/ ? #unpaywall #openaccess #freesoftware @fsfe @fsf !ilovefs -
Björn Holmer (comradefox@gnusocial.de)'s status on Monday, 03-Apr-2017 13:47:28 CEST Björn Holmer
Wie gut ist das denn?
Ich habe ein Problem unter Windoof und die erste Lösung, die ich finde, steht im "ubuntuusers.de"-Wiki. xD
#FreieSoftware #GNU #Linux #Ubuntu !ilovefs -
Bastian Ilso (bastianilso@quitter.no)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Mar-2017 18:25:42 CET Bastian Ilso
videos are being rendered and cakes are being baked for the @gnome release party with #OpenSourceAalborg! :) !gnomedesktop !ilovefs !foss
https://quitter.no/attachment/1022213 -
Sven Schulz 🐧 (omeelog@gnusocial.de)'s status on Saturday, 18-Mar-2017 12:21:45 CET Sven Schulz 🐧
Open Source Jahrbuch -
In insgesamt fünf Büchern (2004 - 2008) erfahren Sie alles über Ökonomie, Politik, Soziologie sowie rechtliche Aspekte von #OpenSource - Alle Bücher stehen als PDFs zum Download zur Verfügung.
!fs !foss !ilovefs @fsf @fsfe @mxmehl @kirschner
http://www.opensourcejahrbuch.de/ -
Sven Schulz 🐧 (omeelog@gnusocial.de)'s status on Friday, 17-Mar-2017 20:54:22 CET Sven Schulz 🐧
Happy birthday Richard Stallman! The #GNU Project and @FSF founder
!fs !ilovefs !foss
/. https://gnusocial.de/attachment/3686028 Image:
Von Preliminares 2013, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia. org/w/index.php?curid=23722768 -
Sven Schulz 🐧 (omeelog@gnusocial.de)'s status on Friday, 10-Mar-2017 12:58:55 CET Sven Schulz 🐧
"How Free Software is failing the users" -- some Friday thinking for you! - By Jonas Öberg @jonaso
!fs !ilovefs !fellowship
http://blog.jonasoberg.net/how-free-software-is-failing-the-users/ -
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe@quitter.no)'s status on Thursday, 16-Feb-2017 10:13:41 CET Free Software Foundation Europe
♻ @3albers: Ganz Berlin liebt Freie Software !ILoveFS http://ur1.ca/qhs5r -
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe@quitter.no)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Feb-2017 15:13:34 CET Free Software Foundation Europe
♻ @OSHLUMH: ¡También nos encanta el #softwarelibre! En Berlín lo expresaron así: http://ow.ly/jr3O3091jGR !ILoveFS http://ur1.ca/qhjrz -
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe@quitter.no)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Feb-2017 11:43:30 CET Free Software Foundation Europe
♻ @alexschnapper: "!FreeSoftware loves you. Do you love it back?" !ILoveFS #FSFE @fsfe @FSFErm #Frankfurt #Paulskirche #guerillabeam #valentinesday2017 http://ur1.ca/qhj1o -
vinzv (vinzv@gnusocial.de)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Feb-2017 00:00:45 CET vinzv
Better late than never: My this year's thanks to free software tools
#Twidere is my daily driver for #GNUsocial and one of the mobile applications I mostly use.
#Geany is *the* Gtk editor for me. Writing notes & tasks lists, editing config files, reading and cleaning logs sent in by customers.
Home entertainment has never been so easy with #Kodi and #LibreELEC. I watch series, movies, stream live sports and regular TV all with one handy interface.
Thanks to all the devs, bug hunters, designers, testers, donaters. You've done a magnificent job and - even that sounds somewhat pathetic - brought huge improvements to my life. Rock on!
!ilovefs #ilovefs