web development - from CSS to HTML (webdevelopment) group
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 13-Sep-2011 12:13:36 CEST Jonas Jacek
Upcoming !webdesign & !webdevelopment !conferences - http://goo.gl/817Np (September to February) -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 18-Aug-2011 18:09:22 CEST Jonas Jacek
Golden Grid System - A folding #grid for responsive !design - http://goldengridsystem.com/ !webdesign !CSS !CSS3 !webdevelopment !webdev -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 11-Aug-2011 00:24:47 CEST Jonas Jacek
Celebrating the new !HTML group design: "What does HTML stand for?" "HyperText Markup Language." "False. How To Meet Ladies." !markup !html5 -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-2011 13:26:16 CEST Jonas Jacek
Bruce Lawson: !HTML5, hollow demos and forgetting the basics - http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/2011/html5-and-hollow-demos/ !webdevelopment -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-2011 00:44:37 CEST Jonas Jacek
Using !CSS Selectors as Fragment Identifiers - http://simonstl.com/articles/cssFragID.html !webdev !markup !usability !ux -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-2011 00:26:42 CEST Jonas Jacek
The future of !CSS layouts: http://www.netmagazine.com/features/future-css-layouts - nice summary. !CSS3 !webdesign !markup !webstandards -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 29-Jul-2011 14:11:24 CEST Jonas Jacek
The !UX of Learning - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/the-ux-of-learning/ - U gotta love #alistapart - !webdesign !div !usability -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 29-Jul-2011 12:20:06 CEST Jonas Jacek
Don’t use IDs in !CSS selectors?- http://oli.jp/2011/ids/ - Interesting read. !CSS3 !webdesign !markup !webdev !design -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jul-2011 12:17:10 CEST Jonas Jacek
Some nice tips on creating forms with !HTML5 - http://gadaf.fi/aoh - !webdesign !webdev !markup -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 23-Jun-2011 17:56:28 CEST Jonas Jacek
Good point: Screen Resolution ≠Browser Window Size - http://gadaf.fi/2zn !CSS !webdev !webdesign !usability !ux !webmaster !markup -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 23-Jun-2011 17:50:02 CEST Jonas Jacek
This looks promising: "The Book of Speed" of high-performance web apps - http://www.bookofspeed.com/ !webdevelopment !webdev -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Friday, 10-Jun-2011 18:36:29 CEST Jonas Jacek
#Smashing Magazine - Useful !HTML, !CSS and #JavaScript Tools and Libraries - http://gadaf.fi/2rt - !webdevelopment !webdesign -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 09-Jun-2011 22:07:59 CEST Jonas Jacek
!W3C publishes first working draft of the !CSS Regions Module - http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-regions-20110609/ - !webdevelopment -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-2011 13:00:46 CEST Jonas Jacek
20+ Useful !CSS3 and !HTML5 Frameworks, Tools and Templates - http://gadaf.fi/2l3 - !webdesign !webdevelopment -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Wednesday, 18-May-2011 21:12:57 CEST Jonas Jacek
Learn why ShortURLs are bad - http://rield.com/faq/why-url-shorteners-are-bad - !privacy !webdevelopment !seo !smm !smo -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Wednesday, 18-May-2011 12:34:33 CEST Jonas Jacek
Thoughts on angles in !CSS3 gradients - http://www.css3.info/angles-in-gradients/ - !webdevelopment !webdesign !webstandards -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-2011 15:35:57 CEST Jonas Jacek
#Smashing on "The Future Of !CSS: Experimental !CSS3 Properties" - http://gadaf.fi/0y4 - !webdesign !webdevelopment !webstandards -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Wednesday, 11-May-2011 11:29:59 CEST Jonas Jacek
I am against the !HTML5 hgroup tag - http://html5doctor.com/the-hgroup-hokey-cokey/ - !w3c !webdevelopment !semweb !semanticweb -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Thursday, 05-May-2011 10:41:14 CEST Jonas Jacek
28 Useful !jQuery Plugins To Enhance Your Tables’ Efficiency - http://is.gd/aTcI1x - !webdevelopment !webdesign !javascript -
Jonas Jacek (jabz@identi.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Apr-2011 23:25:33 CEST Jonas Jacek
!Google announced the !WebM Community Cross License #CCL initiative. http://is.gd/qAG0Zm !html5 !webdevelopment !FLOSS !video