hankg ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 18:13:38 CET hankg
I've been trying to explain this to Trump voting friends/family for years. I'm done with the explaining mode. I'm in holding grudges mode now. Since the ramifications will be felt for decades by me and my LGBT friends, you can assume the grudge against you will be as well. Forgive? Maybe, yes just maybe. Forget? Never. Fuck you. #uspoli #rant #lgbt - Michael Vogel likes this.
Michael Vogel ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 18:25:45 CET Michael Vogel
@hankg I've got queer friends, I've got trans friends. And I know the mental torture that the trans community has gone through along the way. I saw how they celebrated these days here in Germany when a new law came into effect making it much easier to change your name and gender on your passport. And now I imagine the horror these people would face if they lived in states where they might even be banned from using toilets that match their gender. (Not to mention everything else, like not being allowed to use appropriate medication, ...)
With every organ at their disposal (including SCOTUS) there is now nothing to stop them from trying to turn back the time.
I feel so sorry for all the people in the USA who now have to suffer from these "but the economy" or "but I can't vote for a woman!