@gargron In a recent nightly build I fixed an issue with bad parsing of the ostatus:conversation element due to namespace confusion (different libs used in different circumstances):
Since that patch the <ostatus:conversation> element - not the weird <link rel="ostatus:conversation"> is the goto place for Conversation URI and URL (ref and href respectively, as your code also perfectly portrays it).
I don't know if the people who have been giving you hell about the conversation breakage know about this patch, and I barely know what they were on about even... As soon as you implemented ostatus:conversation in the Atom output I myself considered the issue null and void.
@Gargron @maiyannah @archaeme afaik only ref is required since I fixed that. I would have to doublecheck it doesn't accidentally throw it away if href isn't there but that would be silly. Then again sometimes I code silly things .)