@webmind @pettter I resub'd the feed now. Let's see if it lives.
We hadn't received any pings/pushes from the hub at all despite the subscription still being alive. Anyway, now it's hopefully active for another month before it's automagically renewed.
@pettter It's built in to the PuSH/WebSub protocol that subscriptions all have leases (lease time dictated by the publisher/hub). If that time is coming near, the subscriber should ping the hub about renewing.
If the PuSH/WebSub hub stops delivering despite having an active subscription it's breaking the protocol (default lease time tends to be ~1 month, so it's not really a problem just keeping on delivering despite suspicious that something is wrong). This was probably the reason why pushes stopped coming, since Mastodon is so eager to be ultramegasuperefficient at the cost of hickups becoming disasters.
But I think @Gargron has fixed (or will fix) this by reverting the "Oh I'll assume the remote side is dead because it returned a 4xx status" antifeature.
@pettter Well, it would happen eventually anyway (~1 month at most, in this specific case in about 10 more days). And since subscriptions are on a per-instance basis I don't think single users should be able to initiate a resub.
Admins have a script that can do it, but of course shouldn't do it unless the subscription is actually about to run out...
(in which case it's done automagically)
If your implementation sucks, fix the implementation. Don't make others manually trigger stuff.
@maloki Does that mean all the subscriptions that have broken because of it may be resurrected via the fix or are we just left to a week or so more of silence before the subscriptions get renewed?