This is something I need to remind myself of from time to time:
There are solutions to most problems you experience, be it in your everyday life, or work tasks. If it's impossible to find a solution to a given problem you should consider that you _may_ be trying to solve the wrong thing - or maybe the solution is to simply stop doing whatever it is that doesn't work.
Problem solving is fun and I at least tend to think many things are solvable. However, some things should simply be seen in another perspective and voilà - suddenly something totally different but better shows up.
Example: Sustainable meat production. Bad idea, doesn't work, don't try to make it work.
(re: meat thing, I'm referring to industrial scales and/or huge human populations, if it were pre-20th century maybe it could work)
Examples of solutions for work problems etc, when it comes to programming, is that you just need to get over the "Not Invented Here"-syndrome and consider that your envisioned goal might just not be the final destination. .)
Lastly, trying to solve the wrong thing is easy when you come from a certain paradigm but you're unaware of the entire larger world/perspective. This is probably the most satisfying problem solving around, when you learn something completely new and can see the world in someone else's eyes. Sometimes it doesn't immediately "click", but often it sort of grows on you. Politicians tend to fail spectacularly in this area.
Example: Using centralised asocial media "because everyone else are there" but still complaining that "noone sees/interacts with me" (because it's just a huge, explicitly-made-addictive firehose - with filters on top).
The solution however is not to shout louder in the already too crowded place, but rather to grow something else outside of the walled garden, where ideas and encouragement can be seen and nurtured.