@Gargron This however defeats the feature of using the platform as a feed reader. Just because someone is not popular they shouldn't be restricted in reading news/updates.
How many do you think someone should be allowed to subscribe to per own subscription?
@gargron Why is subscribers a problem? It doesn't cause more bandwidth usage with proper WebSub usage (n subs from the same instance = 1 push).
Maybe I can see some reason to show only desired subscriptions... But the "subscribers" list (popularity) shouldn't be given much attention at all, since it's both antisocial as well as has no meaning in a public environment anyway (since anyone can subscribe to anyone else).
@rw "first 5 are free", there's our business model
Not sure how you'd know that a remote account is subscribing to anyone or everyone...
@gargron Yeah, but Twitter and Facebook can actually control those values. However, in an open federated network you can't control what an admin who installs your software does. They can just increase the limit or comment it out entirely.
If you have users doing this thing on your own server and don't want them to do that, just talk to them and ask them to stop (or force them to...).
"Now you're thinking with federation." #portal
(@Gargron also if an admin has an issue with rogue users subscribing to 10000 feeds I think there's another, non-technical, issue to be taken care of)